
Welcome to Blockshub!

Where innovation meets Impact

We are pioneering solutions in MedTech to combat Antibiotic Resistance while offering cutting-edge blockchain intelligence and IoT consulting services.

New AMR Intelligence Platform

A Complete Solution forInfection Management

A comprehensive solution for infection management in the age of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). Our cutting-edge technology empowers healthcare professionals to tackle AMR intelligently and effectively.


Real-time Surveillance

Monitor AMR trends and outbreaks in real time to enable proactive response strategies.


Diagnostic Support

Aid in rapid and accurate diagnosis of resistant infections for targeted treatment.

Monitor AMR trends

Real-time Surveillance

Provide evidence-based recommendations for optimal antibiotic use and stewardship.


Our Services as a Tech Startup

At Blockshub, we pride ourselves on delivering cutting-edge technology solutions that leverage blockchain and IoT to drive innovation and efficiency for businesses.

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Tokenization of Real-World Assets

Unlock liquidity and accessibility by tokenizing real-world assets on the blockchain. Our experts specialize in tokenization solutions that digitize assets such as real estate, art, commodities, and more.

Through fractional ownership and decentralized trading, we enable new investment opportunities while ensuring transparency and security.